Climate Change

Two Things You Can Do NOW to Support Climate Solutions in the Next Farm Bill

Sign the farmer letter on climate change solutions in agriculture

The 2023 Farm Bill presents an important opportunity to increase support for sustainable, ecological, and organic farming practices.

OEFFA members know this kind of farming is a real solution to the climate crisis. We know that good farming respects and enhances the health of the land, people, and the natural world—and we need policies that reflect that knowledge.

We have a choice. We can continue the status quo and hope things don’t get worse. Or we can act now to address the threat, including the more frequent extreme weather events farmers are facing. We can each be champions of organic, sustainable, and regenerative solutions to the climate crisis.

Here’s the TWO things you can do right NOW to make sure climate solutions are in the next Farm Bill:

Sign the National Farmer Letter on Climate Change!

Please add your name to this farmer letter on climate change and send Congress this message: the next farm bill must be a climate bill.

Farmers need funding, research, and risk management tools to implement climate-friendly farming practices. The Agriculture Resilience Act is a comprehensive plan to implement these solutions in the next Farm Bill. Sign on to show your support now.

Not a farmer yourself? Share this page with someone in your network.

Save the Date for the Rally for Resilience!

Farmers, farm workers, and farmer allies—including OEFFA—will be converging on Washington D.C. March 6-8 to urge Congress to make climate change policy a priority in the 2023 Farm Bill.

The three-day event will include a rally and march, as well as an opening ceremony, grazing demonstration, press events, and a lobby day.

Save the date! Opportunities to participate and register are coming soon. Contact OEFFA Grassroots Organizer Heather Dean to learn more.