Our Farm Bill, Our Future
The farm bill shapes virtually every aspect of the U.S. food and agricultural system—what kind of food farmers grow, how it is grown, how much it costs, who has access to land and resources to farm, and what kind of farms are likely to succeed.
The farm bill expired in September 2023 and we are nearing the end of its extension, making the months ahead critical. Certainly, the farm bill is our single greatest opportunity to realize our vision for a future where sustainable and organic farmers thrive, local food nourishes our communities, and agricultural practices protect and enhance our environment.
Working together, OEFFA members and our partners were able to secure many important wins in the 2018 Farm Bill that have helped begin to reshape our food and agricultural system for the better. But, with your help, we aim to do even more in the new farm bill!
Quick Links:
Take Action! | Farm Bill Videos | Farm Bill News | Farm Bill Resources | Crop Insurance | Marker Bill Tracker
Marker Bill Tracker
Farm Bill Action Center
OEFFA met with farmers and consumers across Ohio to learn about their vision for a sustainable food and farming system, revealing five key values that comprise the OEFFA Farm Bill Platform. Now, it’s up to all of us to stand together and build the power we need to create these changes. Sign up to get involved!
Promoting Soil Health and Climate Resilience Through Conservation Policy
Increasing Investments in Local and Regional Food Systems
Addressing Consolidation in the Food and Agriculture System
Investing in
Organic and Sustainable Research
Providing More Support for Beginning and BIPOC Farmers
Promoting Soil Health and Climate Resilience Through Conservation Policy
OEFFA members believe it’s essential to our future to invest in the health of our soil and build climate resilience.
OEFFA supports increased investments in resources and technical assistance that make it easier for farmers to be good stewards of the land, including successful conservation programs like EQIP and CSP.
Watch why organic grain farmer Scott Myers thinks climate solutions should be part of the next farm bill.
Increasing Investments in Local and Regional Food Systems
OEFFA members believe that making transformative investments in diverse, local, and regional food systems is essential for our future.
OEFFA supports federal programs that empower small-scale agriculture and local entities to be good neighbors and community builders, including making investments in our supply chain, regional processing facilities, and the Local Agriculture Market Program.
Watch why urban farmer Alex Ball thinks the next farm bill should invest in small, community farms.
Addressing Consolidation in the Food and Agriculture System
OEFFA members believe that agricultural consolidation disadvantages family farmers and the diverse regional food systems essential for a resilient future. Federal policy and a crop insurance program that works for everyone can help to level the playing field.
OEFFA supports common sense payment limits to ensure that government assistance reaches more farmers who need it and less is focused on the largest farms. We also support fair and transparent contracts that protect the best interests of farmers.
Watch why business owner Michelle Ajamian thinks the farm bill should invest in community processors.
Investing in Organic and Sustainable Research
OEFFA members support a transformative investment in organic and sustainable research to address our nation’s most urgent challenges.
OEFFA supports program expenditures that help organic and sustainable farmers receive a fair share of federal research dollars. Investments in organic and sustainable agriculture benefit all farmers by helping them grow responsibly and profitably and build resilience to climate disruption.
Watch why business owner Abbe Turner thinks the farm bill should invest in farmer-led research.
Providing More Support for Beginning and BIPOC Farmers
OEFFA members believe that providing more support for beginning and BIPOC farmers is necessary to build an equitable, robust, and resilient food system for our future.
OEFFA supports making USDA programs more accessible, incentivizing farm transition to beginning and BIPOC farmers, increasing technical and financial assistance, and investing in urban agriculture.
Watch why beginning farmer Jonathan Greer thinks the farm bill should invest in BIPOC farmers.
Farm Bill News
Representatives Kaptur, Bustos Bring Farm Bill Listening Session to Ohio
U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) and the House Agriculture Committee held a listening session in Fremont, Ohio attended by more than 200 people.
Key Marker Bills for the 2023 Farm Bill
This blog highlights the key marker bills OEFFA is supporting. They are broken down into each of our five 2023 Farm Bill priorities: increasing investments in local and regional food systems; addressing consolidation; investing in organic research; promoting soil health and climate resilience; and providing support for beginning and BIPOC farmers.
OEFFA Hits Capitol Hill to Talk about the 2023 Farm Bill
OEFFA members and staff were on Capitol Hill as part of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition’s winter meeting and lobby day. They met with federal legislators to talk about OEFFA’s priorities in the 2023 Farm Bill.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Platform
In 2022, OEFFA met with farmers and consumers across Ohio to learn about their vision for a sustainable food and farming system, revealing five key values that comprise the OEFFA Farm Bill Platform.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Videos
Five OEFFA members describe their vision for the new farm bill.
- OEFFA Resource: Marker Bill 101
Marker bills are an important part of the legislative process, including the 2023 Farm Bill. Learn what a marker bill is and why we need them.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Kickoff Meeting
OEFFA introduces its Farm Bill Platform and describes ways to get involved in supporting the five planks.
- NSAC 2023 Farm Bill Platform
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's comprehensive 2023 Farm Bill Platform provides title-by-title recommendations across farm bill programs and policies detailing how Congress can better support farmers and ranchers.
- NSAC Resource: What is the Farm Bill?
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition provides an overview of the farm bill, including what it covers and how the process works.
- Farm Action: Conservation and Regeneration: Fostering Resilience in the Farm Bill
This Farm Action webinar and its panelists share how we can use the 2023 Farm Bill to reform policies and programs to better support diversified farm operations, contribute to resilient soils, and hold abusive corporations accountable.
Quick Links:
Get Involved | Farm Bill Platform | Farm Bill Videos | Farm Bill News | Farm Bill Resources
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011