OEFFA’s Crop Insurance Platform
Crop insurance works well for some farmers and a few key crops, but OEFFA farmers “farm outside the box” and find much of their risk unprotected in the face of a changing climate.
Promised as a safety net for producers and rural communities, the reality is that federally-subsidized crop insurance doesn’t work for most farmers and communities. While acres planted for commodity crops (i.e., soybeans, corn, cotton, wheat) are insured under the federal crop insurance program (FCIP), most farms aren’t served by the program—especially those using diversified production systems and on-farm conservation practices.
Crop insurance does a great job of meeting the needs of the few—and the big. The largest 15 percent of farms receive 90 percent of crop insurance subsidies, while 78 percent of US farms have no crop insurance coverage at all. In other words, crop insurance is structured in a way that provides the most support to those who need it the least.
Like other diversified, organic, small, beginning, and specialty crop farmers, OEFFA farmers rarely purchase crop insurance. Those who do often face planting date requirements that don’t align with their management practices or agents and Risk Management Agency (RMA) staff who lack a critical understanding of organic management systems.
Envisioning Crop Insurance that Could Work For Everyone
It’s a topic that makes most people’s eyes glaze over. Fortunately, OEFFA farmers aren’t “most people.” They have been taking time out of their busy schedules to envision a crop insurance program that works for everyone.
Over the span of several meetings and several months, they’ve developed Member Proposals to Make Crop Insurance Fair, Functional, and Informed.
Make Crop Insurance FAIR
- Each operation should receive one subsidy and no more. The Farm Bill should include a strong “actively engaged in farming rule” to set this limit. No double-dipping.
- Crop insurance should only apply to land that is suitable to be farmed. The Farm Bill should prohibit crop insurance premium subsidies on unsuitable land.
- The Farm Bill can better support beginning farmers with less costly crop insurance policies, continue to support the majority of farmers with policies valued between $10k-$100,000, and reduce the rate of support for the largest farms who hold policies totaling more than $100,000.
Make Crop Insurance FUNCTIONAL
- Organic producers often plant later than their non-organic counterparts, due to strategic organic systems management. RMA must establish a unique final planting date for certified organic crops in each region with a non-penalizing grace period so that organic producers can maintain productivity and organic status.
- Organic producers should use the transition period to develop an organic management system and write their Organic System Plan in conjunction with their application for organic certification. RMA should provide organic insurance to producers transitioning to certified organic status without requiring an Organic Systems Plan.
- A clear, transparent, consistent path for organic transition and crop insurance must be established. As USDA invests $300 million in organic transition, transitioning operators must be supported through a streamlined farm safety net.
- Create an Enterprise Unit (EU) by Practice Type option for organic status. This would enable operators to group land separately so that each type could be managed and insured appropriately.
- Whole Farm Revenue Protection is intended to serve small and diversified producers but has limited utilization. It must be improved to better support these growers through lower premium costs associated with higher levels of diversity, and true revenue protection for operations already mitigating risk through diverse production systems.
Make Crop Insurance INFORMED
- NASS and RMA should work together to regularly conduct an organic production survey.
- Expand NRCS technical capacity and cooperative agreements to support adoption of soil health plans.
- Require organic literacy within RMA to help employees and agents be informed about organic insurance in order to better serve organic clients and grow the benefits of the organic industry.
Crop Insurance SUBSIDY RATE BRACKET Proposal
3 brackets based on annual premium, functioning like marginal tax rates:
- $0 to $10,000: 50% increase to subsidy rate
- $10,000 to $100,000: No change, accrues identically to current system
- $100,000+: 50% reduction to subsidy rate
- Save an estimated $5 billion over 10 years, derived from NSAC (Belasco) report and accounting for increased utilization by small policy holders
- Addresses current disparity in both crop insurance benefits and utilization rate across operation scales
- Greatly improves incentive for small to medium scale operations to seek crop insurance risk management
- Easily implemented, no additional data collection (AGI/tax return)
- Increased or no change in subsidy for vast majority of operations
- No hard thresholds to inadvertently encourage skirting rules (paper farming)
- No reduction or elimination of subsidy at scale thresholds (as AGI limit would do), helps with political
feasibility and paper farming issue - Minimal administrative burden, simple calculations, marginal rate brackets already used by accountants
nation-wide - No change to existing complex actuarial system
- Provides producers freedom of choice in how they reach or avoid rate thresholds with current insurance
policy structure - Flexible for future modifications (could change bracket levels, new brackets, rate factors)
OEFFA farmers and members are a united force working to make the federal crop insurance program more fair, functional, and informed. While it may not seem like it, their efforts have the potential to impact you, too!
As reported by our colleagues at NSAC, the FCIP is the farm bill’s most expensive authorized program (excluding nutrition spending). Our taxpayer dollars are being funneled into monoculture commodity production and into the hands of agricultural producers who generally have some of the highest levels of income and wealth.
Addressing consolidation and supporting diverse food systems with a level playing field is one of our five 2023 Farm Bill priorities. It’s also the focus of one of our seven workgroups. Ready to stand together and build the power we need to make crop insurance fair, functional, and informed?
Join us today by getting in touch with our organic policy specialist at julia@oeffa.org.
- OEFFA Op-Ed: Crop Insurance Reform Needed
In this Cleveland Plain Dealer op-ed, OEFFA policy director Amalie Lipstreu calls for reforms to federal crop insurance programs.
- Farm Action: Conservation and Regeneration: Fostering Resilience in the Farm Bill
This Farm Action webinar and its panelists share how we can use the 2023 Farm Bill to reform policies and programs to better support diversified farm operations, contribute to resilient soils, and hold abusive corporations accountable.
- LSP Report: Crop Insurance: A Torn Safety Net
Crop insurance is critical to protect farmers from unforeseen weather events, but according to this Land Stewardship Project report, the program's torn safety net boosts corporate bottom lines while harming family farmers and the land they depend on.
- NSAC Resource: USDA to Tackle Corporate Concentration in Livestock Sector
This National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition article provides an overview of the corporate consolidation in the livestock industry and policy measures that could address it.
- OEFFA Member Proposals to Make Crop Insurance Work for Everyone
Crop insurance should be Fair, Functional, and Informed. OEFFA members came together to share their proposals for how crop insurance should work for everyone.
- OEFFA Resource: Crop Insurance Infographic
This informative infographic provides a visual overview of U.S. crop insurance subsidies.
- OFA Resource: Webinar on Crop Insurance for Specialty, Organic, and Transitional Producers
This webinar, from the Organic Farmers Association, is helpful for specialty, transitioning, and organic producers wanting to access crop insurance.
- Farm Action: Conservation and Regeneration: Fostering Resilience in the Farm Bill
This Farm Action webinar and its panelists share how we can use the 2023 Farm Bill to reform policies and programs to better support diversified farm operations, contribute to resilient soils, and hold abusive corporations accountable.
- Library of Congress Resource: History of the United States Farm Bill
This interactive resource highlights the origins of agriculture legislature, the first farm bill, and the laws that evolved over time.
- NSAC 2023 Farm Bill Platform
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's comprehensive 2023 Farm Bill Platform provides title-by-title recommendations across farm bill programs and policies detailing how Congress can better support farmers and ranchers.
- NSAC Resource: What is the Farm Bill?
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition provides an overview of the farm bill, including what it covers and how the process works.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Kickoff Meeting
OEFFA introduces its Farm Bill Platform and describes ways to get involved in supporting the five planks.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Platform
In 2022, OEFFA met with farmers and consumers across Ohio to learn about their vision for a sustainable food and farming system, revealing five key values that comprise the OEFFA Farm Bill Platform.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Videos
Five OEFFA members describe their vision for the new farm bill.
- OEFFA Resource: Marker Bill 101
Marker bills are an important part of the legislative process, including the 2023 Farm Bill. Learn what a marker bill is and why we need them.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011