Find Out Where Your Local Candidates Stand on Food and Farm Issues
The election season is well underway.
As you ponder who will get your vote in the upcoming election, OEFFA, in partnership with the Ohio Farmers Market Network, Produce Perks Midwest, and the Ohio Food Policy Network, compiled an Ohio Candidate Questionnaire—a list of seven questions you can use to find out where each candidate stands on important food and farm issues related to climate, food access, and local food systems.
There is an urgent need to help candidates understand the challenges Ohioans face every day in accessing healthy food, as well as those faced by farmers working to provide that food.
Hold your candidates accountable this season and ask them to champion your priorities!
How to Contact Your Candidates
Here are some ways you can contact your local candidates to learn about their positions:
- Attend an in-person or online debate or town hall
- Call or email them
- Post to their social media page or tag them on social media
More Candidate Resources
In July 2020, OEFFA and our partners released “Opportunity in a Time of Crisis: Recommendations for Building a More Resilient Ohio Food System.” This report is another resource to reference as you interact with candidates.
Finding Your Candidates
Finding your candidates’ schedules can be difficult! Check out your candidates’ websites and Facebook pages for their latest news or call their office if necessary. Other helpful resources are: County Boards of Elections; County Democratic Party Events page; and County Republican Party Events page.
Voting in Ohio
Have a question about voting in Ohio? Visit the Ohio Secretary of State website today.
Thank you for participating in the democratic process with us! Please contact us to let us know what you hear!