Farm Bill

FARM BILL 2023 | Nutrition Marker Bills

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This post originally appeared on the Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council blog. It is the second one in their Farm Bill 2023 series that focuses on marker bills.

Something you may not know is that the Farm Bill is categorized into twelve titles. Each title focuses on a category of legislative topics related to the food system at the federal level. The fourth title is the Nutrition Title. Our previous marker bill blog post highlighted marker bills from the other eleven titles. The Nutrition Title requires a blog post of its own, because this title receives a massive portion of the funding that is authorized by the Farm Bill.

The Nutrition Title of the Farm Bill

As the chart adapted from National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) shows, the Nutrition Title received over 75% of the projected funding from the 2018 Farm Bill. In addition to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which is one of the most well-known USDA programs, the Nutrition Title also includes:

  • The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
  • Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
  • Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) grants
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations and Other Territories
  • Commodity Supplemental Food Program
  • Community Food Projects

The Congressional Research Service has a primer on the Nutrition Title programs that provides some additional information.

Members of Congress have submitted several marker bills related to the Nutrition Title and its programs to date. More nutrition marker bills will probably be submitted by the middle of April 2023. Below, we’ve listed the Nutrition Title marker bills that have been submitted through April 6, 2023.

There’s Still Time to Contact Your Congress Members!

Before we jump to the marker bills, let’s first discuss what we can do with this information. The Farm Bill will not be reauthorized until September 2023. You can contact your Congress Members, even if they are not on an Agriculture Committee. Every Congress Member will vote to approve the bill drafts of the Farm Bill when they enter the chambers.

In addition, the Senate Committee is taking public comment, as is the House Committee. Again, you can submit your opinion, even if your Congress Members are not on either of the Congressional Agriculture Committees!

A collective voice saying similar things helps motivate Congress Members to listen to constituents and show support for topics that are important to those they should represent.

Spotlight on Three Nutrition Title Marker Bills

Among the dozens of marker bills we researched, the three below were among those that speak to some of the issues the Food Policy Council and its partners are working on in our region.

Closing the Meal Gap Act

Date Introduced: June 23, 2021

Summary: This bill amends the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to require that supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits be calculated using the value of the low-cost food plan, and for other purposes.

Introduced by: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand with 6 Cosponsors

  • 5 Democrats Cosponsors
  • 1 Independent Cosponsor

SNAP Access for Medically Vulnerable Children Act of 2023

Date Introduced: February 1, 2023

Summary: This bill amends the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to allow households with children with chronic medical conditions to deduct allowable medical expenses incurred by such household member that exceeds $35 per month.

Introduced by: Representative Shontel Brown with 7 Cosponsors (all Democrat)

Improving Access to Nutrition Act of 2023

Date Introduced: March 9, 2023

Summary: This bill amends the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to repeal the particular work requirement that disqualifies able-bodied adults for eligibility to participate in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.

Introduced by: Representative Barbara Lee with 41 Cosponsors (all Democrat)

2023 Nutrition Title Marker Bills by Topic

2023 Nutrition Title marker bills are listed below. They are loosely categorized by the nutrition program the bill highlights. Some marker bills cover several programs, so each bill is categorized under the bill’s primary program. Though this list may not be comprehensive, the vast majority of the marker bills submitted as part of the reauthorization process of the Farm Bill are included below, irrespective of partisan affiliation or other political perspective.

The Food Policy Council provides this information as an educational resource, and inclusion in this list does not indicate support by the Food Policy Council staff, partners, members, or supporters.


  • Marker Bills Related to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
  • Marker Bills Related to the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations and Other Territories
  • Marker Bills Related to the Commodity Supplemental Food Program
  • Marker Bills Related to the Community Food Projects

Marker Bills Related to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Bill Name (with link)Summary
Improving Access to Nutrition Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to repeal the particular work requirement that disqualifies able-bodied adults for eligibility to participate in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
H.R. 1763A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to exclude from income for purposes of eligibility for the supplemental nutrition assistance program the basic allowance for housing received by members of the uniformed services.
Jobs and Opportunities for SNAP ActA bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to restore and standardize work requirements for able-bodied adults enrolled in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
America Works Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to standardize work requirements for able-bodied adults enrolled in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
SNAP Second Chance Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to limit the use of business integrity and reputation factors when determining the eligibility of a retail food store or a wholesale food concern to be approved to redeem supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.
ID for EBT Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to require States to include a photograph on electronic benefit cards issued to provide supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.
Let’s Get to Work Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to modify work requirements under the supplemental nutrition assistance program, and for other purposes.
SNAP Theft Protection Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to provide for the reissuance to households supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits to replace benefits stolen by identity theft or typical skimming practices, and for other purposes.
SNAP Back Act of 2023A bill to amend the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to repeal drug felon ban for participation in the supplemental nutrition assistance program under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008.
Opportunity To Address College Hunger ActA bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require institutions of higher education to provide notice to students receiving work-study assistance about potential eligibility for participation in the supplemental nutrition assistance program, and for other purposes.
SNAP Access for Medically Vulnerable Children Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to allow households with children with chronic medical conditions to deduct allowable medical expenses incurred by such household member that exceeds $35 per month.
Closing the Meal Gap ActA bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to require that supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits be calculated using the value of the low-cost food plan, and for other purposes.

Marker Bills Related to the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations and Other Territories

Bill Name (with link)Summary
S. 949 (Senate Version)A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to transition the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to the supplemental nutrition assistance program, and for other purposes.
Puerto Rico Nutrition Assistance Fairness Act (House Version)A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to transition the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to the supplemental nutrition assistance program, and for other purposes.
Tribal Nutrition Improvement Act of 2023A bill to amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to improve nutrition in tribal areas, and for other purposes.

Marker Bills Related to the Commodity Supplemental Food Program

Bill Name (with link)Summary
H.R. 2287A bill to provide for a limitation on availability of funds for US Department of Agriculture, Food Assistance and Nutrition Service, Commodity Assitance Program for fiscal year 2024.
H.R. 2294A bill to provide for a limitation on availability of funds for US Department of Agriculture, Food Assistance and Related Programs, Commodity Credit Corporation Export (Loans) Credit Guarantee Program Account for fiscal year 2024.
Healthy Food Financing Initiative Reauthorization Act of 2023 (Senate Version)A bill to amend the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to authorize mandatory funding for the Healthy Food Financing Initiative.
Healthy Food Financing Initiative Reauthorization Act of 2023 (House Version)A bill to amend the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 to reauthorize the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, and for other purposes.

Marker Bills Related to the Community Food Projects

Bill Name (with link)Summary
Military Family Nutrition Access Act of 2023A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to exclude a basic allowance for housing from income for purposes of eligibility for the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
H.R. 1765A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to repeal the limitation on the maximum deduction for shelter expenses allowable for determination of benefits under such Act.
Food Deserts ActA bill to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to make grants to States to support the establishment and operation of grocery stores in underserved communities, and for other purposes.

Nutrition Marker Bills Unrelated to the Farm Bill

The majority of the US’s federal nutrition programs fall under the purview of the USDA. However, not all USDA Nutrition Programs are directed by the Farm Bill. Confusing, huh?

The general rule of thumb is: if the primary focus of the nutrition program is to feed children, then the program is directed by the federal package called The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act, rather than by the Farm Bill. Examples of nutrition programs that are not part of the Farm Bill are the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).

Congress Members have submitted marker bills focused on these other nutrition programs to the Congressional Agriculture Committees (who also oversee Nutrition Programs), and these marker bills may influence the conversations and decisions that shape the Farm Bill. For that reason, below we include a few of those nutrition-focused marker bills submitted during this round of Farm Bill reauthorization but not strictly related to the Farm Bill.

Bill Name (with link)Summary
S. 984A bill to amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to permit video or telephone certifications under the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children, and for other purposes.
S. 974A bill to amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to require the Secretary of Agriculture to make publicly available information on infant formula procurement under the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children.
Farm Fresh Food for Families Act of 2023A bill to amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to modernize the farmers’ market nutrition program under the special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children, and for other purposes.
Helping Schools Feed Kids Act of 2023A bill to amend the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022 to extend additional reimbursement rates for certain child nutrition programs, and for other purposes.
Protecting Children with Food Allergies ActA bill to amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to require the provision of training and information to certain personnel relating to food allergy identification and response, and for other purposes.
Healthy Meals Help Kids Learn Act of 2023A bill to amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to increase reimbursement rates of school meals, and for other purposes.

Want to get into even more of the details?

We have a “living document” tracking submitted marker bills: