Resources for Taking Action

These policy resources for taking action can help you make your voice heard. If you’re ready to step up even more, consider joining one of our caucuses or reaching out to learn about other ways you can tell your story and make a difference.

Quick Links:

Advocacy | Organic | Farm Bill Resources | Ohio Policy | Equity and Justice | Climate Action | Genetic Engineering | Marketplace Fairness

policy resources for taking action
OEFFA staff along with Patty (BIPOC Food and Farming Network) and Kristy (Clay Hill Organic) in Washington, D.C.
Julia Barton preparing to provide testimony to the National Organic Standards Board
Organic grain farmer Scott Myers with Ohio Representative Max Miller
OEFFA Policy Statehouse Lobby Day 2024
OEFFA staff at Brick Gardens, an urban farming collective in Cincinnati, Ohio
SE Urban Farm
An organic apple at a 2023 OEFFA Farm Tour
Cory Stratton, a regenerative, pasture-raised livestock farmer

Quick Links:

Get Involved | Advocacy | Organic | Farm Bill | Ohio Policy | Equity and Justice | Climate Action | Genetic Engineering | Marketplace Fairness


Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085


OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011

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