Resources for Taking Action
These policy resources for taking action can help you make your voice heard. If you’re ready to step up even more, consider joining one of our caucuses or reaching out to learn about other ways you can tell your story and make a difference.
Quick Links:
Advocacy | Organic | Farm Bill Resources | Ohio Policy | Equity and Justice | Climate Action | Genetic Engineering | Marketplace Fairness
- OEFFA Guide: Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Advocacy
Social media is a powerful tool, especially if you know how to use it effectively. Find tips in this OEFFA factsheet for using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms to connect with public officials, advertise events, and mobilize supporters around the issues you care about.
- OEFFA Guide: Tips for Writing Effective Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor
One of the best ways you can make a difference without leaving home is by writing an op-ed or letter to the editor of your local paper. This guide explains how you can put together a brief but impactful letter on food and agricultural issues.
- OEFFA Guide: How to Call and Meet with Your Members of Congress
Meeting with and calling your elected officials and their staff is one of the most important ways you can influence public policy. This guide includes tips on how to schedule, prepare for, and run an effective meeting, along with information to help you call your Congressional office.
- NSAC Guide: Advocacy Toolkit
NSAC offers an online advocacy toolkit which includes information about visiting, calling, and writing your member of Congress, writing effective op-eds, and an overview of the federal legislative process.
- OEFFA Media List
A list of Ohio and national newspapers and publications accepting letters to the editor, op-eds, or other types of guest submissions. Updated June 2023 (subject to change).
- OEFFA Guide: In-District Meetings
Meeting in-district with your member of Congress (MOC) or state legislator and/or their staff is a great way to build a relationship and ensure your voice and priorities are being heard. This guide can help with the process!
- OEFFA’s Narrative
In collaboration with OEFFA members and Erik Peterson of Bending the Arc Strategies, these statements of belief and narrative shifts were developed and now drive our daily work.
- OEFFA Video: Submitting a Comment to Your Legislator
In this short video, OEFFA member Debra Knapke shares best practices for submitting a comment to your members of Congress.
- OEFFA Video: Using Social Media to Connect with Your Legislator
In this short video, OEFFA Grassroots Policy Organizer Nicole Wolcott shares best practices for using social media to connect with your members of Congress.
- OEFFA Video: Calling Your Legislator
In this short video, OEFFA Policy Director Amalie Lipstreu shares best practices for calling your members of Congress.
- OEFFA Resource: Organic Agriculture Impact Mitigation Plan
This OEFFA tool will help you navigate the development of energy infrastructure on your farm so you can protect your organic integrity throughout this process. OEFFA also offers free technical assistance for organic farmers facing pipeline easements and other energy impacts. Contact OEFFA for assistance.
- OEFFA Guide: How to Provide Comments to the National Organic Standards Board
This OEFFA tool provides templates and tips for submitting written comments online and oral comments in person or through Zoom to the National Organic Standards Board.
- OEFFA’s Comments to the USDA and NOSB
OEFFA's comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Organic Standards Board, and other federal agencies regarding organic integrity, climate change, research, and more are archived 2017-present.
- OEFFA Factsheet: Organic is Non-GMO and More
Organic farms do not use genetically engineered seed or feed, but the label goes above and beyond the absence of GE seed, as described in this OEFFA factsheet.
- OEFFA Report: Highlights from the 2016 Certified Organic Survey: Ohio in Context
Read OEFFA's analysis of the USDA's 2016 Census of Organic Agriculture, highlighting Ohio.
- FracTracker Alliance Resource: The Impact of Fracking on Organic Farmers
FracTracker provides analysis of the proximity of organic farms and their watersheds to areas with active oil and gas drilling.
- National Organic Program
Find information about the administration of organics including the National Organic Standards Board which provides oversight and recommendations and holds two public meetings each year to accept comments.
- National Organic Coalition
This national alliance of organizations works to provide a voice in Washington for farmers, ranchers, environmentalists, consumers, and industry members involved in organic agriculture.
- Organic Farming Research Foundation
OFRF cultivates organic research, education, and federal policies that bring more farmers and acreage into organic production.
- OEFFA 2023 Farm Bill Priorities
In this series of five factsheets, OEFFA describes our member's vision for the 2023 Farm Bill: promoting soil health and climate resilience through conservation policy, increasing investments in local and regional food systems, addressing consolidation in the food and agriculture system, investing in organic and sustainable research, and providing more support for beginning and BIPOC farmers.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Platform
In 2022, OEFFA met with farmers and consumers across Ohio to learn about their vision for a sustainable food and farming system, revealing five key values that comprise the OEFFA Farm Bill Platform.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Videos
Five OEFFA members describe their vision for the new farm bill.
- OEFFA Resource: Marker Bill 101
Marker bills are an important part of the legislative process, including the 2023 Farm Bill. Learn what a marker bill is and why we need them.
- OEFFA Farm Bill Kickoff Meeting
OEFFA introduces its Farm Bill Platform and describes ways to get involved in supporting the five planks.
- NSAC 2023 Farm Bill Platform
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition's comprehensive 2023 Farm Bill Platform provides title-by-title recommendations across farm bill programs and policies detailing how Congress can better support farmers and ranchers.
- NSAC Resource: What is the Farm Bill?
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition provides an overview of the farm bill, including what it covers and how the process works.
- Farm Action: Conservation and Regeneration: Fostering Resilience in the Farm Bill
This Farm Action webinar and its panelists share how we can use the 2023 Farm Bill to reform policies and programs to better support diversified farm operations, contribute to resilient soils, and hold abusive corporations accountable.
- OEFFA Guide: In-District Meetings
Meeting in-district with your member of Congress (MOC) or state legislator and/or their staff is a great way to build a relationship and ensure your voice and priorities are being heard. This guide can help with the process!
- OEFFA Guide: Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) One-Pager
Read about why it is critical for Congress to follow through for farmers and protect agriculture conservation in the 2023 Farm Bill within Title II. This is our #1 priority for the 2023 Farm Bill.
- Transformational Farm Bill Letter
In September 2022, the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association was one of more than 150 organizations to send a joint letter to President Biden, urging him to push for a transformational 2023 Farm Bill that reflects the values of his administration.
- Library of Congress Resource: History of the United States Farm Bill
This interactive resource highlights the origins of agriculture legislature, the first farm bill, and the laws that evolved over time.
- OEFFA One-Pager: Ohio Soil Health Week
A one-pager highlighting why and how OEFFA and the Ohio Soil Health Initiative (OSHI) are celebrating healthy soils during an Ohio Soil Health Week.
- OEFFA Video: Ohio Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Webinar
OEFFA's Policy Team was joined by the Executive Director of ODA's Office of Farmland Preservation to discuss the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Program
- OEFFA Guide: In-District Meetings
Meeting in-district with your member of Congress (MOC) or state legislator and/or their staff is a great way to build a relationship and ensure your voice and priorities are being heard. This guide can help with the process!
- OEFFA Factsheets: Soil Health Ambassadors
In this series of factsheets, you can learn about OEFFA's Soil Health Ambassadors and our program designed to connect farmers who need help meeting their soil health goals with friendly growers, who often have decades of ecological farming experience.
- OEFFA Factsheet: Ohio Soil Health Initiative
This OEFFA factsheet provides an overview of the Ohio Soil Health Initiative.
- OEFFA Report: Opportunity in a Time of Crisis: Recommendations for Building a More Resilient Ohio Food System
This report by OEFFA, Ohio Farmers Market Network, Ohio Food Policy Network, and Produce Perks Midwest captures how local food systems were impacted by COVID-19 and offers eight policy recommendations Ohio’s decision-makers can implement to invest in Ohio’s farmers and build food security.
- OEFFA Report: Ohio Agriculture: The Changing Contours of Farming
Read OEFFA's analysis of the USDA's 2017 Census of Agriculture, highlighting Ohio.
- Ohio Food Policy Network
The Ohio Food Policy Network is a grassroots network that represents interested people and organizations in our state who share values and a common vision for the food system in Ohio.
- AFT Report: Farms Under Threat: The State of the States
American Farmland Trust provides maps, data, scorecards, and more information on the location and quality of agricultural land, the threats posed by development, and state-level policies.
- State Legislator Search: Find Your Members of the Ohio Statehouse
Find the names and contact information for your representatives to the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives quickly using your address and zip code. If you need a four digit zip code extension, it can be obtained through the U.S. Postal Service here. You can also find and track bills by bill number, sponsor, or keyword.
- OEFFA Outreach
OEFFA's Outreach (2501) Program is intended to integrate and facilitate inclusion in the work that we do for farmers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) by providing education, technical assistance, and network building.
- OEFFA Food Justice Certification
OEFFA has partnered with the Agricultural Justice Project to offer Food Justice Certification, standards which address ethical working and living conditions for agricultural system workers and fair trade and pricing for farms and agricultural businesses.
- National Young Farmers Coalition
The National Young Farmers Coalition offers publications, research, and resources for beginning and BIPOC farmers centered on racial equity, immigration, labor justice, and more.
- NSAC News: Beginning and Minority Farmers Archive
Find news releases and other information about beginning and BIPOC farmers from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.
- NSAC Report: Agriculture and Climate Change: Policy Imperatives and Opportunities to Help Producers Meet the Challenge
This National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition report provides a scientific review of the climate crisis and describes how agriculture affects and is affected by the climate.
- Farmer Letter on Climate Change
The next farm bill must be a climate bill. See what other Ohio farmers have to say about being on the frontlines of the climate crisis.
- OEFFA Factsheet: Ten Dangers of GE Foods
This OEFFA factsheet provides an overview of the negative impacts genetic engineering has on farmers, the environment, and eaters.
- OEFFA Factsheet: The Environmental Implications of GE Foods
This OEFFA factsheet describes some of the ways genetic engineering negatively impacts our natural ecosystem.
- OEFFA Factsheet: Organic is Non-GMO and More
Organic farms do not use genetically engineered seed or feed, but the label goes above and beyond the absence of GE seed, as described in this OEFFA factsheet.
- NSAC Resource: “Bioengineered” Labeling Information
A flawed "bioengineered" label for genetically engineered food debuted in 2020. Learn how to understand this label when you see it.
- OEFFA Op-Ed: Crop Insurance Reform Needed
In this Cleveland Plain Dealer op-ed, OEFFA policy director Amalie Lipstreu calls for reforms to federal crop insurance programs.
- OEFFA Resource: Crop Insurance Infographic
This informative infographic provides a visual overview of U.S. crop insurance subsidies.
- LSP Report: Crop Insurance: A Torn Safety Net
Crop insurance is critical to protect farmers from unforeseen weather events, but according to this Land Stewardship Project report, the program's torn safety net boosts corporate bottom lines while harming family farmers and the land they depend on.
- NSAC Resource: USDA to Tackle Corporate Concentration in Livestock Sector
This National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition article provides an overview of the corporate consolidation in the livestock industry and policy measures that could address it.
- OEFFA Member Proposals to Make Crop Insurance Work for Everyone
Crop insurance should be Fair, Functional, and Informed. OEFFA members came together to share their proposals for how crop insurance should work for everyone.
- Farm Action: Conservation and Regeneration: Fostering Resilience in the Farm Bill
This Farm Action webinar and its panelists share how we can use the 2023 Farm Bill to reform policies and programs to better support diversified farm operations, contribute to resilient soils, and hold abusive corporations accountable.
- OFA Resource: Webinar on Crop Insurance for Specialty, Organic, and Transitional Producers
This webinar, from the Organic Farmers Association, is helpful for specialty, transitioning, and organic producers wanting to access crop insurance.
Quick Links:
Get Involved | Advocacy | Organic | Farm Bill | Ohio Policy | Equity and Justice | Climate Action | Genetic Engineering | Marketplace Fairness
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022
Fax:(614) 421-2011 (614) 421-2011